- Prof. Dr. Maike Schindler presented MADITA at the “Triple E – Ergebnisse, Erfolge und Erfahrungen von Erasmus+ Partnerschaften im Bereich Schulbildung“ event on 19 November 2024, hosted by the German National Agency (PAD) in Bonn, Germany.
- Prof. Dr. Maike Schindler presented MADITA in a keynote talk entitled “Digitalisierung und KI im inklusiven Unterricht: Möglichkeiten von Apps für die Diagnostik und Förderung am Beispiel mathematischer Kompetenzen“ at a “Fachtagung Schulprofil „Inklusion““ in Dillingen an der Donau, Germany.
- Prof. Dr. Maike Schindler and Prof. Dr. Achim Lilienthal presented MADITA at the meeting of the EARLI Emerging Field Group “EyeTale” (Eye-tracking for teaching and learning in the wild: developing solutions for educational research together) in Helsinki, Finland, in August 2024. The presentation was entitled “Using AI in combination with eye tracking in mathematics education research: Insights into studies investigating student strategies”.
- Prof. Dr. Maike Schindler and Prof. Dr. Achim Lilienthal presented MADITA in an invited talk on “Using AI in combination with eye tracking in mathematics education research: Insights into studies investigating student strategies” on 22 July 2024 at the Auckland University, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Prof. Dr. Maike Schindler presented MADITA at the “Inclusion and AI” symposium of the Evangelische Schulstiftung (EKD) on 15 March 2024 in an invited talk entitled “AI-based adaptive learning support in mathematics: Opportunities for inclusive learning settings” in Berlin, Germany.
- Prof. Dr. Maike Schindler presented MADITA in a talk about “Digitalisierung, Diagnostik und KI: Digitale Apps für die Diagnostik mathematischer Basiskompetenzen” on 16 November 2023 for school principles and school administration in Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany.
- Prof. Dr. Maike Schindler presented MADITA in an invited keynote about “Digitale Apps und KI zur Diagnostik mathematischer Basiskompetenzen – Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Schulpraxis” in an in-service teacher education conference in Bavaria, Germany, organized by Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung.
- Prof. Dr. Maike Schindler and Prof. Dr. Achim Lilienthal presented MADITA on 25 August 2023 at the EARLI EyeTale symposium at the 20th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. The title of the presentation was: “Using eye tracking and AI to identify student strategies: Illustrated by studies in math education” (Maike Schindler, Erik Schaffernicht, Anna L. Simon, Parviz Asghari & Achim J. Lilienthal).
- Prof. Dr. Maike Schindler and Prof. Dr. Achim Lilienthal presented MADITA on 23 August 2023 at the 20th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction in Greece. The title of the presentation was: “Using AI in educational apps to individually support students: Opportunities and challenges”.
- Prof. Dr. Maike Schindler presented MADITA in an invited talk on “Didunas, KI-ALF and Madita: Apps for digital diagnostics and support for basic mathematical skills” on 18 July 2023. The talk was given as part of the meeting of advisors for digital education of special schools in Bavaria (Germany), organized by ALP Dillingen, Germany.
- Prof. Dr. Achim Lilienthal presented MADITA in an invited talk with the title “Handball, Clusterphysik, Riechende Roboter und Künstliche Intelligenz – Wie alles zusammenhängt und wie Messkirch und das Martin Heidegger Gymnasium dich auf die Welt vorbereiten” on 15 July 2022. The presentation was given on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the school “Martin Heidegger Gymnasium” in Messkirch, Germany.